Rapidly create digital twin and data visualization applications in Unreal with Datasculpt Studio.
REST API Connector
Multiple Data Sources
CSV & JSON Replay
Secure Connections
Embedded Server
Native Behaviour Library
Data-Driven LocRotScale
Data-Driven Materials
Data-Driven Heatmap
Data-Driven Colour
DS Blueprint Node
Data-Driven Label BP
UI Time Controls
Data-Driven Physics
UMG Integration
Multiple data sources can be simultaneously connected to with the Datasculpt interface, such as multiple APIs and log files. Combine different data sources to generate emergent insights from derived dataset interactions.
*NEW* Now supports REST APIs - get live data into Unreal from hundreds of public APIs like OpenWeather with one URL and just few clicks.
Datasculpt supports CSV and JSON Log Files. Replay the data in realtime from a standard format timestamp. You can sync multiple files using the same timestamping.
SSL connections by default. Datasculpt automatically generates per-project private API keys to ensure no interconnectivity between different projects/clients.
All Datasculpt server functionality is embedded in the plugin and packaged into the end application. No middleman or reliance on external services - designed for enterprise security requirements
Change Location, Rotation and Scale of object components with simple drag-and-drop. These blocks provide core functionality for the majority of movement use cases and can be built up in layers within the component hierachy.
Datasculpt provides scalar and vector Material nodes to connect data directly into material properties, altering basic properties such as opacity, metallic, specular, base colour as well as parameters for any intermediate nodes such as blending. The sky's the limit.
A powerful component for creating realtime spatially interpolated colour maps across a target mesh, based on live data values of 'n' number of independent sensors in the 3D space around the mesh. Each sensor can be placed manually or given data-driven location behaviour if needed. The heatmap supports Unreal's colour curve tool allowing complex multi-stop, non-linear gradients.
The Datasculpt blueprint node allows you to expose data values and use them in whatever way you want in a blueprint. It gives you the freedom to leverage the powerful blueprints system with Datasculpt's data accessibility to create the custom components you need.
The multiplier feature provides a simple pre-process to normalize data to required output, such as setting a 0-100 sensor range to a 0-360 rotary range.
Datasculpt's threshold feature allows you to set a min and max response range. The behaviour will only react within this range. Output value can be set to snap back to lowest value, stay at upper value or snap to nearest extent.
Handle more complex input-output data requirements with the remap feature. Set expected min and max input values and set desired output min and max. Useful for normalizing inconvenient ranges e.g. with large numbers appended to smaller ranges, and for setting values to 0-1 for common material parameters.
Datasculpt faithfully replicates the data state in realtime. Sometimes you want smoother behaviour than the data provides - the interpolation feature works across a data timeframe to interpolate and provide smoothing of the data.
The Datasculpt text component allows easy addition of text readouts of values to your model.
Useful for creating labels - just attach to the component. Or create separate in-world dashboards and readouts to accompany scenes and surround models.
Datasculpt provides in-built playback controls with integrated UI buttons. Just select whether you want 'basic' or 'advanced' with range of playback speeds, and it just works.
Like all things in Datasculpt, Smoothcam is there to help you get up and running with quickly. Integrates with external Xbox controller to give you supersmooth camera movement out of the box, with configurable damping for turns and acceleration/deceleration.
All Datasculpt behaviours can be used by default as drivers for physics simulation with simple setup process for the components, opening up a whole world of possibilities for what-if scenarios and data-driven modelling in Unreal.